If you can make phone calls asking people to talk to 3 friends about making a plan to vote blue, sign up here: https://mobilize.us/s/omNHSA
Tonight I made calls (while tucked up in bed) for MoveOn, asking voters to talk to 3 friends about the importance of voting for Democrats up and down the ballot, and I'm doing it again tomorrow night. You can join me:https://mobilize.us/s/omNHSA
I made about 50 calls. Some responses:
"Hell yeah!"
"I'm not going to talk to 3 people, I'm telling everyone I know."
"How can I make calls, too?"
It reminded me that the reasons R's have gerrymandered and voter suppressed so hard is: their policies are unpopular. Because they hurt people. Not very many folks want that. So instead of changing their policies, they've tried to change the electorate.
It's super easy to call with the MoveOn app.
You can do it in the bathtub if that’s your jam.
All I know is, it’s a damn sight easier than the miles I walked door knocking yesterday.
And if you need a little encouragement, here’s a great article by subscriber Kamyar, one of my former professors, a dear friend, and one of the best human beings there is: https://www.northerniowan.com/18089/opinion/ask-your-local-immigrant/
Kamyar grew up in Iran and came here in 1978. He says, “I am shocked and scared to see the ugliness of extremism and hate mongering emerging and gaining traction right here in the U.S. It looks like we are allowing it, tolerating it and actually voting for those who say they will dismantle everything about our democracy!” But do yourself a favor and read the whole thing.